Latest news: Emanuele Midolo writes a story about John Christodoulou not paying us in The Sunday Times: Our billionaire landlord owes us £24,000 in rent repayments.
🔥Big news🔥 For those who’ve been following our case for a rent repayment order, Jordan, Marc, Daniel and Foivos received the verdict today for their flat – they’ve been awarded £24,060.00 for the landlord’s failure to obtain an HMO license! They tried all kinds of excuses and paid the best lawyer they could find, but we still won. More details here:

Our billionaire landlord John Chistodoulou evicted some of us and targeted renters who organised in Olympic House, Simpson House and St John’s Court during the pandemic. After months of campaigning, his agent finally met us to start negotiations. Please stand with us to fight for safe, affordable housing for all.
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